I am maintaining this blog to document things that I have done and would like to remember or perhaps could help other people who are facing the same issues.
JSLibrary: Fast Filtering and Sorting of Huge Collections of Items
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Fast Filtering and Sorting of Huge Collections of Items —
PourOver library
This blog post title is pretty confusing - but if you get to read this blog post by Google, it actually makes sense. It's actually pretty cool. Not that I don't like callbacks or promises, but I can see this being useful in more complex examples. async function fetchDogPics(url) { try { //this looks synchronous but it isn't... const response = await fetch(url); await response.text(); } catch (err) { console.log('failed', err); } }
### Use case: Working on 2 dev branches and merging one into the other and want to revert git checkout dev_branch git merge my_new_feature // merging my branch into develop Ooops, now I realized `my_new_feature` has something wrong git revert -m 1 <sha of merged commit> OR git revert HEAD -m 1 means we keep the parent side of merge ( dev_branch branch) ### Fetch their new commits and merge to your branch git fetch protected_repo Committed but not pushed to remote. Want to get rid of latest commit git reset --hard HEAD~1 Get a branch from a forked repo to your own repo (or to your own forked repo) git reset HEAD~1 Get a branch from a forked repo to your own repo (or to your own forked repo) git fetch git@github . com : theirusername / reponame . git theirbranch : ournameforbranch Associate your local copy to the upstream branch git remote add repo_name https://github.com/theirusername/their_repo.git Fetch their new commits and merge to your branch git
To cut and paste in vi: Get to command mode (press esc) and type mx at the start of the place you would like to cut and go to the position where you want to stop cutting and type d'x. Explanation: m starts a buffer with name x and d'x will cut it . To copy and paste in vi: Type mx and y'x Explanation: same as above except that y'x is meant for yanking (copying) buffer with name x.