Git commands cheat sheet (in progress)
### Use case: Working on 2 dev branches and merging one into the other and want to revert
git checkout dev_branch
git merge my_new_feature // merging my branch into develop
Ooops, now I realized `my_new_feature` has something wrong
git revert -m 1 <sha of merged commit>
git revert HEAD
-m 1 means we keep the parent side of merge (dev_branch branch)
### Fetch their new commits and merge to your branch
git fetch protected_repo
Committed but not pushed to remote. Want to get rid of latest commit
git reset --hard HEAD~1Get a branch from a forked repo to your own repo (or to your own forked repo)
git reset HEAD~1
Get a branch from a forked repo to your own repo (or to your own forked repo)
fetch theirbranch:ournameforbranch
git remote add repo_name
git fetch protected_repo git merge protected_repo/foo